What is a WBS “study helper”?

A WBS study helper is a Christian friend who is available to help you understand the Bible as you take the WBS courses. WBS study helpers are everyday people like you and me who volunteer their time to help others. Your study helper will exchange lessons with you, review your lesson answers and give you feedback, help you find Scriptures to answer your personal questions, and be available as a prayer partner.

What are the WBS Courses?

WBS offers a core set of lesson booklets and online lessons known as the Master Series. The Bible-based lessons teach the fundamentals of God, His grace and love, Jesus, the Gospel message, the church, and Christian living. WBS courses are designed to increase your knowledge and faith in God by seeing for yourself what the Bible says.

The World Bible School Courses – The Master Series

Introduction Lesson – “The Way to Life” A brief one-lesson introduction

The Bible is relevant to human kind, presenting God to man. How did we get the Bible? Is it trustworthy? Does it apply to me, today? What is the “Good News” of the Bible?

“God Has Spoken” 8 lessons

God reveals Himself and His will for you in the Bible. What does God say about Himself? Who is the Holy Spirit? How can I be “right with God”?

This is Good News! 7 lessons

God’s message in the Bible is “good news”! How does God want me to respond to it? What is faith that “saves”? How can I be sure about my faith? What do I receive from God’s good news?

Knowing Jesus 7 lessons

Jesus makes remarkable promises to those who “know” Him. How can I know Jesus? What do prophets and eye-witnesses say about Him? Is Jesus God’s Son? Why did He die? Is He alive today?

Born of Water and Spirit 8 lessons

Jesus speaks of being “born again” to live a new life. What does He mean? Can I really have a fresh start in life? Why is the cross so important? How can I face death with assurance?

The Family of God 8 lessons, plus extensive study helps

God has chosen a family of His very own—and He wants you to be a part of it. Who has God chosen? Me? How can I know? What does the word “church” really mean? What is His purpose for my life?

Live a Life of Love 13 lessons, plus extensive study helps

God offers every single person a new purpose and a joyful life. How does He want me to live? Can I really change? Is the Holy Spirit real-and really at work in my life? How can I help others?

Will WBS charge me for taking Bible courses?

No. WBS lessons are free of charge. The expenses for WBS are provided by the generous donations of Christians who care. They have a strong desire for students to increase their faith in God, and hear the Good News of the Bible.

Who is behind WBS?

WBS is a ministry of the churches of Christ. With no denominational affiliation, the churches of Christ seek simply to be New Testament Christians who joyfully call all people to be one in Christ. Christians that support WBS believe that:

  • we should follow the Bible only, not human doctrines or opinions;
  • nothing should be required of people as acts of faith except that which is evident in the Bible;
  • Jesus Christ lived, died, resurrected, and lives today for those who believe in Him, so that they can have hope, joy, love, and life.
  • with the Bible as our guide, we should seek to restore the original church of Christ as found in the Bible’s New Testament.
  • We believe the Bible alone must serve as the basis for all religious teaching and that all authority in the church belongs to Christ. We are not a denomination, but simply Christians that belong to the “body” of believers of which Christ is the “head”. We plead for religious unity among all believers based on the Bible.

What are the options for studying WBS courses?

WBS courses are available by:

  • printed booklets that are exchanged by postal mail;
  • online, Web-based lessons.

Are WBS courses available in other languages?

Yes. The WBS courses are available online and in print for postal mail in the following languages: French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Is WBS an accredited school or university?

WBS is not an accredited institution and does not offer diplomas or degrees. It is a way that one can learn about the message of the Bible for themselves.

Does WBS have a campus in the U.S.?

No. WBS is a “distance learning” school that uses mailed or Web-based lesson.

What are the benefits of studying with WBS?

The Bible offers benefits and blessings to each and every person. Hope, joy, love, and life are available to all. In fact, the Bible is the only true source of life’s most important truths and blessings. Find out more by enrolling and taking the brief introduction lesson, The Way to Life. WBS courses will benefit you as you see what the Bible’s message is, increase your knowledge of God and Jesus, enrich your personal and spiritual life, and build a firm foundation for yourself based on God’s Word.

How long does it take to complete WBS courses?

WBS courses are written for busy people. Each lesson within a course is brief and can be completed at your own pace, perhaps in about 30 minutes. In the seven courses of the WBS Master Series, there are 52 lessons. There is no time pressure for completing the lessons and you should proceed with the idea of “just one lesson at a time.” Web-based lessons can, obviously, be completed much more quickly than those exchanged using postal mail around the world.

Will WBS send me a free Bible?

No. However, all Bible passages are included in the lessons so that access to a Bible is not necessary to complete them. A good site for online Bibles and study resources is www.biblegateway.com. After you have proven your commitment by completing a number of WBS lessons, some study helpers help their students acquire a Bible of their own.

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